Purpose scope and focus of the evaluation
The evaluation of the Passport Program was conducted in fulfilment of requirements of the Treasury Board 2016 Policy on Results, as well as commitments in various Treasury Board Submissions. Led by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the evaluation was conducted in collaboration with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Global Affairs Canada (GAC).
The evaluation assessed selected aspects of relevance and performance, covering the period since the program’s transfer from GAC to IRCC (fiscal years 2013–2014 to 2017–2018)1
, and included the activities undertaken by IRCC, as well as by ESDC and GAC in accordance with their interdepartmental agreements with IRCC, primarily as they related to regular passports.
• As an area of focus, the evaluation examined client outcomes in Canada and abroad. It looked at the different approaches employed by partners (ESDC and GAC) in administering Passport
Program services and considered how service delivery differs in Canada and abroad, as well as possible implications for client outcomes.
• It also examined the management of the Passport Program, synthesizing and building on findings from previous assessment work, with a focus on the effectiveness of service delivery
partnerships and governance in support of program management and delivery in Canada and abroad.
The Passport Program Modernization Initiative (PPMI) and the sustainability of the Passport Program Revolving Fund were not assessed in the evaluation.
source: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/documents/pdf/english/corporate/reports-statistics/evaluations/e3-2018-evalation-of-passport-program-accessible-english-pdf.pdf
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